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Yale Biomedical Review


Book Reviews

BOOK Life For Sale.jpg

Co-authored with my sister Sharon, Life for Sale was published in 1981. It reports on the birth of genetic engineering technology—what was then a brand new development that invoked both awe and fear. The book took on the ambitious challenge of explaining to laymen the ramifications of biotechnology across a vast spectrum of fields—from medicine and agriculture to the energy sector and government policy. Sharon and I were both in our mid-twenties when we wrote the book, and perhaps reflecting the rosy-eyed optimism of our youth, some of our projections proved in hindsight too bold. But we got a surprising amount right—an accomplishment that my sister, who died at age 42, regrettably did not live long enough to realize. Not only has much of the book turned out to be prescient, but it also presents concepts whose radical implications are just now beginning to be appreciated outside the close-knit circle of molecular biologists. For a glimpse of the future we envisioned from the past, read the book’s epilogue, which addresses the direction biotechnology will take in the 21st century. 


Life for Sale is no longer in print, but for anyone interested in reading more, most large libraries carry the book and it is often available from Amazon and other second-hand book dealers.

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